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Sunday, 7 August 2016

GROUP DISCUSSION TOPICS - What is Desirable, Love or Arranged marriage?

In this group discussion topic you can learn what the professional terms are used in this and this gd topic is most commonly asked in interview. The topic name is "What is Desirable, Love marriage or arranged marriage" This gd topic is about on marriage and this group discussion topic for B.Tech students and it is for education students. After you read this topic you can learn so many content and hope that it is useful for your interview.


  •  What is Desirable, Love marriage or Arranged marriage?
    Group Discussion Topics

(A).In Favour of Love marriage.

·      Young people should be allowed to choose their own partners because nature has so made them that upon reaching the age of consent young boys and girls feel naturally attracted towards the member of opposite sex whom they find to be Mr. Right or Miss Right for themselves.
·      In arranged marriages, Parents are not in a position to know the girl well enough-that is, they may not be aware of her personality traits that is of paramount importance for such life-long relationships, In arranged marriages. we generally get to know about the family background and outward appearance of the girl or the boy , their educational attainments, career plans, etc. and in the case of girls, their interest and proficiency in household affairs--cooking, knitting, tailoring, etc. But success or failure of married life depends on the basic temperament , nature and compatibility or otherwise of the partner. Therefore, to make marriage a success, young men and women should be supported in selecting partners of their choice suiting each others temperament.
·      Love is the main factor that binds two individuals. It has been praised y saints and poets alike. Therefore, love marriages have more chances of success because there is pre-marital understanding between the would - be couples. More often, unpleasant consequences arise only when a love is obstructed or the period of courtship is very short, If the love is given way to and the latter is taken care of, love marriages succeed as nothing else.

     (B).In Favour of Arranged marriage.

·      The much talked of understanding in love marriages is not so easy to have when the two meet for the first time because love takes place "at first sight" and not after due deliberation. Moreover, love marriages mainly result in divorce or are the cause of quarrels with parents and thus unpleasantness in relationships. As against them, arranged marriages are based on more solid foundations, Here, experiences people have their more faithful, devoted, mature and of predictable behaviour. Therefore, we should go in for arranged marriages to enjoy real marital bliss.
·      Arranged marriages are always preferable to love marriages. Parents are more rational, mature and experienced to deal with such matters and they are always capable of selecting suitable life partners for their children. Love being blind, young people usually do not give a thought to the suitability and compatibility of their love. They generally lack sound judgment and are carried away by passion.
·      All this new found love for love marriages is because of the influence of western films and culture on our life. Whether love or arranged one, marriage is a gamble either way. Even much trumpeted love marriages have been seen to be laundering on the rock of reality. Hadn't our fathers, grandfathers and their forefathers all enjoyed arranged marriages? Is our culture or society any the worse it?
·      If we compare both love and arranged marriages we find that chances of success in the latter are much more for they are finalized after due consideration of various aspects of a happy and successful married life.


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